Collection: Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a looked over almost forgotten vegetable.  On the homestead  cauliflower stores well and. Can be planted and grown from early spring to late fall  we carry a self blanching variety so growing is a ease.   A pack plants about a 40 foot row.   1 ounce of seeds is enough for a family and 4 ounces of seed is enough for 2 markets or 50 csa boxes

Cauliflower  is cold tolerant which means cauliflower  will germinate in cooler weather.
Cauliflower  is a good seed for blanket seeding, so it's okay to plant them close together because they're not fussy about having their roots messed with.
When it comes planting, cabbage seeds need to be planted at least 1/4 of an inch into the soil and you can expect germination in 5-7 days.