Collection: Peas.

Hello all.   We have a pea for every need  

Snow peas. And snap peas are great choices for the homestead as well as the market grower.

 Peas are cold tolerant here in zone 6b we start planting mid March and every other week until mid May.  We don't do a fall planting of peas unless it's pasture for chickens or pigs   the sugar snap peas are very tasty right out of the garden. You will need about 1lb of seed for every person in your family. 

  These get planted very close together 

Planting peas, these growing instructions are pretty  consistent across all types of pea seed.
Peas should be planted at least an inch into the soil and for spacing you need to plant them at least inches apart and when you're planting in rows, you need at least 2 feet between rows.
When planting vining varieties, they will need string or fencing to grow one.
**Please Note  for best results for eating, pick your peas before thy are fully mature, and with shelling peas, they should be a nice plump green before they start turning hard**