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Tam-Uvalde Cantaloupe

Tam-Uvalde Cantaloupe

Regular price $2.59 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.59 USD
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Tam-Uvalde Cantaloupe is a deep, orange flesh, cantaloupe. It is an Heirloom and a Non-GMO melon. The melon rind turns yellow a few hours after picking and is a great shipper. It has an intense, sweet melon flavor. They mature in about 85 days and sets fruit almost all at the same time. This makes it a great choice for our farmers market friends! And to our northern gardener friends, the Tam-Uvalde Cantaloupe Heirloom melon will ripen up here in the North. We are in zone 6 with lots of cool summer nights and we grow it from direct seeding. 

Hope everyone has great crops 

Cantalta vegiana is a high quality variety of cantaleae. The fruit is low in calories and high in fiber. It has a very refreshing taste 

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