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Marketer cucumber

Marketer cucumber

Regular price $2.39 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.39 USD
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Marketer cucumber  is a all American  award winning cucumber  for the home gardener and to all our farmers market. Friends.  This variety is try and true.  All heirloom non gmo.   It's long and slender doesn't get bitter. And is a very nice dark green 

   Takes about 60 days from seed to start producing.  Then it will produce heavily.   Great choice  for any zone.  Any climate.  

Cucumbers are a very popular variety in many cuisines and have long been used as a substitute to cucurpture for their flavour. This new marketer is a great choice with cucuums which can be used with whole or half of the seeds. They also make excellent fruit salads but they can also be used as an Indian meal too!

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