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Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify

Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify

Regular price $5.99 USD
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The Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify is called the oyster plant because it has an oyster flavor. Grow this prized Heirloom like you would a carrot. It will take 100 plus days to maturity; try and leave it in the ground until after a frost. This is a rare Heirloom garden seed and, like all the seeds we carry, these are Non-GMO and ready to sow. A pack will sow about a ten foot row. To our farmers market friends, you will need about a quarter ounce of seed for every market you do. 

 Hope everyone has great crops

 This osyter plant is very rare and you will be the talk of the market

 For our homesteading heritage folks this will store for months in your celler or pantry

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