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All Seasons Cabbage

All Seasons Cabbage

Regular price $2.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.49 USD
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The All Seasons Cabbage is one of the most versatile of all the Heirloom cabbages. This variety is very heat tolerant and will grow anywhere in the summer. It produces about ten big pound heads that are about a foot across and resistant to yellowing.     

Most Brassicas can be sown indoor and outdoors, depending on variety and time of year.

Plant indoors five weeks prior to your last expected frost date. Sow at a depth of about ¼ inch keeping moist until the seedlings appear. Use as much light as possible, watering as required.

farm hand seeds All Seasons Cabbage is a delicious, high-protein, vegetarian, all year round cabbage. This vegetable contains a rich blend of nutrients such as omega fatty acids and antioxidants to help keep your body looking and feeling healthy for longer.* AllSeason Cabbage has a unique flavour with a delicate, juicy, earthy and earthier taste that can be enjoyed on its own or paired alongside other vegetables like lettuce seeds or broccoli florets in soups!

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