Collection: Watermelon

 Watermelon is a summertime favorite and with a little work.  And t.l.c. Everyone can grow these.

 To all the northern farmers we have varieties that do better than most in the northern areas  

Any one who has a farm stand or goes to the farmers markets needs to grow some of these.

Who doesn't love watermelon? The perfect treat in summer.
Watermelon is a warm-loving crop that does not do well in the cold.S
So when it comes to planting watermelon seeds, start planting well into the spring when the weather isn't too cold.
Watermelon should be direct-seeded as they really don't appreciate having their roots messed with.
There are two ways to grow watermelon seeds, the hilling method and the row method:
For the hilling method, take 4-8 seeds per hole, space them at least an inch apart, buried at least 1/2 an inch into the soil.
Space your hills 6 feet apart in any direction.
For the row method, particularly if you're planting in double rows on a drip irrigation, plant 12 inches apart and space rows 8 feet apart.
**Please Note: Watermelon needs a lot of water at fruit set**