Collection: Radish

Radishes are a very quick growing root crop that anyone can grow.

 Most are ready in 20-25 days. Don't let them grow to big otherwise they can get woody on ya 

 Don't over seed either.  Each radish needs about four square inches to grow   and in the heat of summer they tend to get spicy 

When it comes to planting radishes, keep in mind that radishes are the easiest vegetable to grow, essential for those who are just starting out growinfr their own veggies.
Radishes take approximately 20-25 days from seed to harvest.
It's important to note that you should be very careful when it comes to spacing because your radish seeds are going to need room to plump up, the ideal spacing would be at least 4 inches apart, and they should be planted at least an inch down into the soil.
Tops and roots are both edible and the tops are sure to liven up your salad.
Radishes are very cold-tolerant but they won't do too well in extreme heat, they won't be good to eat.
**Please note: Radishes will get very woody the bigger they get so don't let them get too big, also if they have gone to seed, they won't be good to eat.**