Is the csa box dead in 2023 and beyond

Is the csa box dead in 2023 and beyond

  Is the c.s.a business model. Dead.  In 2023 and beyond the csa movement never really took hold. We have been talking about csa.s. And how they are going to change the way folks but there food since the early 1990s.   With no big. Changes at all.   Yes I no a few people buy them. But.  90% of the population won't 

 Personally I've thought since the early 90s. This has been a bad business model. Cause each family is different.  And what's great for one family might no be so good for another why not try a vegetable of the week at your farm stand or farmers market to cause excitement and those folks can pick and choose what they want from you 

   We use the truck farm approach and it works wonderful.   

 We also target folks who cook. And can. As customers.  Not to mention we want to fill there pantries in the fall with squash creates of green tomatoes they can ripen. And root crops.

  We go after the 90% of folks who don't buy into the csa.  Box.  And we out sell the csa folks about 8 pounds to 1 on average at the markets 

 This model works from about 2 thru 25 acres 

 You can still make your csa stops but let the customer choose weather they want a pound or a crate.  You will be more engaged and your will have customers year after year 





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